Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Sorrowing Secret Sisterhood

I had the opportunity to speak to families three times this weekend at the North Carolina homeschool conference and each time, for one reason or another, we mentioned our recent miscarriage of twins. It was amazing how many people spoke to us afterwards of their grief and losses. If this is as common as it seems, why in the world are Christian ladies not talking about it and helping the hurting women around them? Let's not let our own vulnerability keep us from comforting others in the way we've been comforted!

1 comment:

Crystal @ A Well-Feathered Nest said...

I want to thank you so much for starting this blog. I stumbled upon it when I was looking at the resource list from your homeschooling from the beginning workshop (which was great by the way).

I've often asked myself the same questions you've addressed in this post. After going through two miscarriages and the death of our newborn son recently, this has become a very dear subject to my heart. It's not often that it is spoken about, and I'm afraid our "culture" even in our churches sometimes leaves women who have had similar experiences feeling like they can't talk about it.

So thank you for having the boldness to talk about it and to ask questions.